Arien Reed
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On Gender Affirming Surgery, out 60 participants, 95% “rated the global outcome as favorable [. . . and] No one regretted their reassignment.” According to a 2009 Swedish study by Annika Johansson, et al.
“If anything, the [Johansson 2009] study likely under-reports mental health benefits of medical and surgical care for transgender individuals [. . . and] suggests (surgery provides) extended and ongoing benefit.” —Dr. Joshua Safer, executive director at Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery, NBC News, 2019.
Gender Keeps Me Awake at Night
“What body shame taught her to hate, she taught herself to love through the magic of a new story. We have the power to change the narrative of body shame […] We are the authors of our own lives.” –Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body is Not An Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love